Your county. Your issues.
Brenda Engelhardt has been listening to what Kane County residents have been saying for years. She has seen a growing urgency as they talk about safety, quality of life and the mental health issues affecting our youth.
The issues you’ve asked Brenda to focus on include:
Please contact Brenda and share your point of view. She wants to hear from you!
Forest Preserves and Open Spaces
My husband and I hike our forest preserves on a regular basis. Open spaces like our parks and preserves provide real benefits linked with better health, mood and overall life quality. The Forest Preserve serves a vital role in keeping these parks and public lands protected and cared for. I want to protect funding for continued land acquisition and park upkeep so that these open spaces are available for our children and their children.
Gun Safety
Through partnership with Moms Demand Action - the County Sheriff has placed biometric gun safes throughout the county. This form of safe has proven to be the most acceptable form of gun safe to owners. Actions like these are positive and help emphasize the importance of securing weapons. I want to continue to work with citizen grass action groups that are doing the leg work for gun safety.
Suicide Awareness and Mental Health
According to the Kane Health Department, "Suicide is the second leading cause of death among those between 10 and 24." Suicide does not discriminate based on socio economic status, age, gender, etc. The County works to prevent stigma and to encourage communication around the subject of suicide and mental health offering services to families and individuals who are struggling with this problem
I have seen firsthand the alarming increase of anxiety and depression amongst middle school aged students (11-14). Covid, the Ukraine war, and Israeli/Palestinian conflict, climate change and global issues along with social media are all identified as contributors to the problem. The results of depression can be life altering and tragic. We as a society must do more to educate and bring awareness to the subject of mental health and especially the subject of suicide. |
We need to protect Kane county's natural resources. With our beautiful river and plentiful rainfall - you may assume water is not a problem here. But that is not the case! The aquifers in the Western part of Kane County are nearing a stage of depletion. We need to look honestly at our resources.
How do we continue to build our amazing communities in Kane County while maintaining our water assets? I will work with county experts to understand the issues and then bring options back to our District. Your educated opinion matters. Using transparency and diplomacy, we can meet our water challenges. I am committed to bringing this conversation into the light for all of us to help resolve. |
“The first requirement of representation is being an open-minded and respectful listener, someone who understands what constituents truly want and need. That’s how I’m approaching the role of KC District 14 Board member.”
~Brenda Engelhardt